
Thumbs up: for butterflies in your stomach and warm socks.
Thumbs down: for forgotten umbrellas and rain during speed - shopping trips in lunch breaks.
We mourn: about Oscar de la Renta. Forever a legend, we will miss you.
Discovered: magnificent apartements, stylish 20s bars and oversize knit sweater - loactionscouting and fitting for the last campaigns this year. Anticipation? Oh yeah!
Good quotes in memory of an icon:
„The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.“
“Luxury to me is not about buying expensive things; it’s about living in a way where you appreciate things.”
“Walk like you have three men walking behind you.”
[Oscar de la Renta]
Extraordinary shining: one of our favorite pieces of the last Fittings -by gogoritas.

Daumen hoch: für Schmetterlinge im Bauch und warme Wollsocken. 
Daumen runter: für vergessene Regenschirme und Platzregen während Speed-Shopping Touren in Mittagspausen. 
Wir trauern: um Oscar de la Renta. Für immer eine Legende, wir werden dich vermissen.
Gesehen: fabelhafte Apartments, stilsichere 20er Jahre Bars und Oversize-Strickpullover – Loactionscouting und Fitting für die letzten Kampagnen in diesem Jahr. Vorfreude? Oh ja! 
Gut zitiert in Erinnerung an eine Ikone: 
„The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.“
“Luxury to me is not about buying expensive things; it’s about living in a way where you appreciate things.”
“Walk like you have three men walking behind you.”
[Oscar de la Renta]
Besonders funkelnd: eines unserer Lieblingsstücke des letzten Fittings –by gogoritas. 

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