Best Place: The sandy beach at the Burj Al Arab.
Best Food (ever, ever, ever): The Cowboy Triple Meat Burger at TGI Friday’s - a real epiphany .
Top of the bucket list: Looking up right at the highest building in the world.
Infatuated with: The fabulous view from the hotel room. Because it was so unbelievably beautiful. The sea, the palm trees, the beach - give me more of this.
Bought: Food! And a lot of it. Because it’s so delicious and because it’s food, simple as that.
Best Place: der Sandstrand am Burj Al Arab.
Best Food (ever, ever, ever): der Cowboy Triple Meat Burger im TGI Fridays – eine Offenbarung.
Highlight der Bucketlist: am höchsten Gebäude der Welt hochschauen.
Total verknallt in: die fabelhafte Aussicht aus dem Hotelzimmer. Meer, Palmen, Strand – bitte mehr davon.
Gekauft: Essen! Und davon wirklich viel. Weil es so unglaublich gut ist und es eben essen ist.
Very interesting! I have never been in Dubai but I wish)