
“I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” “A balanced diet means a cupcake in each hand." Like, both quotes on instagram, Twitter, pinterest, everywhere. We like quotes about food and photos of food and obviously food.
On such nights with the whole team, we actually share everything. Because we can’t decide which meal we should order, especially in Paris. The French bread revelation was on top of our food-to-do list, tartlets and cupcakes, too (that’s why Berties sweet cupcakery was one of our shooting locations). On such nights, it is okay to be the last one to leave the restaurant.

“I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” “A balanced diet means a cupcake in each hand.” Like, beides. Auf Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. Überall. Wir mögen Zitate über Essen und Fotos von Essen und Essen.
An solchen Abenden mit dem ganzen Team teilen wir eigentlich alles. Weil wir uns so schlecht entscheiden können. Gerade in Paris. Die Baguetteoffenbarung stand ganz oben auf unserer Food-To-Do-Liste, Tartelettes und Cupcakes (deswegen war Berties süße Cupcakery auch eine Shooting Location von uns) sowieso. An solchen Abenden ist es dann auch okay, als letzter das Restaurant zu verlassen.

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